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Tokenization : The Future of Banking Security: Exploring the Benefits of Tokenization

What is Tokenization? Tokenization is process of adding additional layer to make digital cards more secure to use. with the help of tokenization all payment cards will be saved on gateway in token format. Banking tokenization is a process of replacing sensitive financial information, such as credit card numbers or bank account details, with unique tokens. These tokens are randomly generated strings of characters that have no intrinsic value and are meaningless outside of the payment or transaction context. Tokenization helps to protect sensitive financial data from theft, fraud, and misuse by encrypting it and making it unusable to anyone who does not have access to the original data. This reduces the risk of data breaches and identity theft, which are major concerns in the banking industry. In practice, when a customer makes a payment or transaction, the sensitive information is replaced by a token, which is stored in a secure database. The token is then used to process the payment or

Space X : Legend in space research agencies

There are so many space research organisations in the world which are manage by different countries, in this blog we will see in detail about space x,
In top 10 space research agencies space x is on 6th place

The reason to choose space X to explore, cause it's first private space research company, whereas all space research projects are run by dedicated countries, but a person behind space x Elon musk, a person who live to update human being as a multiplanetary animal,

Space X Legend in space research agencies_ElonMusk

Space X Legend in space research agencies_spacexlogo

What is space x ?

Space X is a first private space research center in the world, the company was established in May 2002  that is, it's just a 18 years old company whereas, in top 10 companies NASA is a first rank company and was found in 1958


Space x is a company having top 6th rank in the world space research organisations

Co founder of Space x is Elon musk , who develop this first private space research organisation...

History of space x

Space X was founded in 2002 by Elon musk ,man behind first private space research organisation

In college days of Elon musk, he tries to think what are the really big problems that world face, That would most affect the future of humanity
The three major options Elon identify, that can change the world are,
 First is internet, second is transition to sustainable energy economy and third was space exploration


Particularly he think about space exploration for making human being life multi planetor

for fulfillment of his dream project he firstly go to Russia to buy refurbished intercontinental ballistic missiles
(ICBM) to use doors as a rocket of his spacecraft

Russian offered 1 rocket at the price of 8 million dollars, this prices artificially overpriced for musk

musk calculated that the raw material for building a rocket, actually only 3% of the sales price of the rocket at the time

After this incident musk was started thinking he can develop rocket on his own  by starting a company at minimum cost

And with this moto, Elon musk founded space X in may 2002 with budget of hundred million dollars

Obstacles of space x

While making space X there are so many obstacles cause firstly its a private space research organisation and for every space research operation there is a need of lot of money to spend...

Elon musk is a person who dream a life on a Mars..

In 2006 the first spacex rocket failed in just 33 seconds after liftoff


in 2007 and 2008 , 2nd and 3rd chance to establish companies credibility also ended in failure

Elon musk invest his whole income in this company for his dream project,
and three continuous failures are literally kill the company,
Financial situation was very bad

The remaining money is only enough that can fund 4th launch

And on the fourth try on 28 September 2008  4th falcon 1 rocket was successfully launched at achieved earth orbit

And its history, falcon1 became the first privately developed liquid fuel rocket that orbit the earth

Founder of space x

Space X a private space research organisation co founded by Elon musk

Elon musk was born on June 28 in 1971 in South Africa, Musk have too much interest in computer development


Elon musk developed a game named blaster at the age of 10 and at the age of 12 he sold this game for $500

He studied physics and economics at the university of Pennsylvania USA

The first company was founded with name zip2 with a brother Kimbal with $28,000 of his fathers money, it was a web startup that provided travel guides to newspapers

Letter in 1999 they sold Zip2 for 307 million dollars, Elon musk share is of 22 million dollars

Elon musk invest this money to found an online banking service this company is merged with competitor company and new name was PayPal, Elon musk have major shares there

In 2002 eBay bought PayPal and Elon musk get his share as 180 million dollars

Journey of falcon rocket of space x

First falcon rocket launch was held in year 2006 and was failed in just 33 seconds

Second and third rocket launch was held in 2007 and 2008 and both are fail

After 3 big failures Elon musk ready to launch rocket falcon1 fourth time, in year 2008, fourth try was held on 28th September 2008 and this time falcon 1 rocket was successfully launched and achieved earth orbit


-After this spacex rewarded by NASA with the project of cargo transport to international space station ,project worth was of 1.6 billion dollars

-In 2011 spacex publicly announced reusable launch system development program
After some of failures,space x achieved a successful landing and recovery of a first stage in December 2015

-In march 2017 space X re launched the used rocket and brought it back by landing it in the ocean, it was a perfect landing of of first reusable rocket in the world

-No more rockets will damage after any space research program, every rocket we can use to boost a spacecraft to earth's orbit after sending spacecraft in the the earth's orbit, rocket will come back to the earth and land on planned area on its own

all rockets are designed to burn up on reentry, but space x rockets cannot only with stand reentry  it can also successfully  land back on earth and re fly again

Elon musk believes a fully and rapidly reusable rocket is needed to reduce the cost of space travel

Achievements of space x

After tasting first three failures and lost whole money, Elon musk announced forth try on 28th September 2008 and this time falcon 1 rocket was successfully launched and achieved earth orbit
It was a last try that can make him hero or zero,

And he make a history,falcon 1 became the first privately developed liquid fuel rocket to orbit the earth

After This in December 23rd 2008, NASA awards space x with1.6 billion dollars contract to handle cargo transport for the international space station

Now a days space x cargo dragon space craft use to send material needed to ISS, on may 2020 first crew dragon also planned to send  ISS

Space  mission 2020

Right now the whole world is lockdown due to Corona but still there is one good news also, space X company till now work on NASA project to transport cargo spacecraft to international space station

On 26th and 27th may 2020 in midnight, space x dragon spacecraft was successfully launched with first crew spacecraft


It means first time space X company send  human being to a space on this day

Every space research mission astronaut have a lot of work to do while landing on ISS


Successfully launched in year 2020 though the world is in fear of Corona, one important space mission was successful....


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