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Tokenization : The Future of Banking Security: Exploring the Benefits of Tokenization

What is Tokenization? Tokenization is process of adding additional layer to make digital cards more secure to use. with the help of tokenization all payment cards will be saved on gateway in token format. Banking tokenization is a process of replacing sensitive financial information, such as credit card numbers or bank account details, with unique tokens. These tokens are randomly generated strings of characters that have no intrinsic value and are meaningless outside of the payment or transaction context. Tokenization helps to protect sensitive financial data from theft, fraud, and misuse by encrypting it and making it unusable to anyone who does not have access to the original data. This reduces the risk of data breaches and identity theft, which are major concerns in the banking industry. In practice, when a customer makes a payment or transaction, the sensitive information is replaced by a token, which is stored in a secure database. The token is then used to process the payment or

Nikola Tesla man of Inventions

This blog is dedicated  Nikola Tesla, the man of inventions,

whenever we heard word Tesla, we will get one image immediately in front of our eyes is Elon musk who is a founder and owner of Tesla company,
Tesla is electric car company and the name Tesla to this company was given from the name great inventor Nikola Tesla, scientist behind electricity and many other inventions, to tribute this scientist Elon musk give his electric car company name Tesla, 

Nikola Tesla

In this Blog we will see

Every story of a hero is very interesting and full of motivation,
the same story is about Nikola Tesla

Who is Nikola Tesla ?  

Nikola Tesla born in heavy rain with thunder on 10th July 1856, no one knows that this person will make a career in science and technology and change the world, Nikola Tesla,

Father of Nikola Tesla was a Churchier and in those days Nikola Tesla cannot be an engineer or doctor cause of poorness of a family,

Nicola has only two options at that time, he can be a soldier or Churchier

His father also want him to be a Churchier cause of which he gave Nikola knowledge of Bible 

Nicola has a great interest in engineering, but due to the poor condition of family and fathers expectation unwantedly he learns Bible

In childhood Nicola suffered from Korola, the situation is critical, he said to his father, if you allow me to go for engineering I will be a cure to fulfill my dreams, his father said yes and fortunately Nicola get cure from that,

College life of Nikola Tesla  

In 1875 Nichola's father sends him into a college of Austria, where Nicola rank in 9 top exams and get first,

As he joins a college for engineering,
he tries very hard to fulfill his dreams, study time is almost 18 hours a day

Nicola is very e talented student in his class, complex queries he can solve in his mind, sometimes his teachers are get confused with his intelligence and they thought is copying from somewhere

Nicola has too much interest to learn new things but due to poor Ness is not able to do so

He's got his first job in 1881, in a telephone company, there due to his hard work he builds new telephone amplifier, but, is not able to patent it,
Many people told Nicola has a photographic memory so that, each of his project studies, he is not used to writing points somewhere, every new idea and invention is in his brain

Sometimes people thought he has the superpower, cause of which he can do such things

Why do we say Man behind Electricity ?

In 1882 due to his hard work and intelligence, he got a job in Thomas Edison's company in France,

He transfers to America in 1884, helps Edison in many projects, but once the time comes when these two friends have conflicts in their friendship.....

Nikola develops the technology of alternate currents. Thomas Edison doesn't have trust in his technology and he wants to go with DC direct current

leaves the company of Thomas Edison and start his product based on AC, AC is alternate current technology through which he can produce and transfer the necessary amount of current through the wires,

With this technology the range of connecting electricity e through a geographical area gets increased, in today's world, we also use Tesla's alternate current technology through which we can get a current exactly in the amount we want

Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla invented so many things which are futuristic and got neglected that time

-first of all, he made AC technology in electricity that is Alternate Current technology through which the exact amount of necessary current can be passed through the wires and electricity and cost also get saved

-1891 he develops a Tesla coil, it's a technology through which we can create maximum voltage with minimum current
We are using these Tesla coils in today's televisions, radio likewise devices

-in 1895 is working on the radio transmission system, due to some reason is not successful in this

-construct a hydroelectric power plant in 1896 through which he provides electricity to nearby villages efficiently

-in 1898 develop first remote control sheep... Which can be operated through wireless remote... In today's world remote cars, television remotes are developed with the technology introduced by Nikola

Teslas Design of  Wardencliffe Tower

We are not surprised now with this inventions cause we are used to with this kind of devices but in the 18th century no one can think about it
It's a good example of futuristic thinking of Nikola Tesla,

-in 1901, Nikola works on wireless electricity through which we can distribute electricity free to use for peoples
But investor denying invest their money in free electricity project
Cause of this Nicola unwantedly close this project in 1905

-the big support of inventions of Tesla is is is imagination and power of thinking through which can do anything

-in 1934 Tesla working on death beam from technology with the help of this technology country target planes from 200 miles remotely but due to insufficient funds this project also got closed

Edison and Tesla war(DC vs AC)

Nikola Tesla join Edison's electricity manufacturing company in 1882, in France unit

Duty is knowledge incapability he soon transfers to America, Nikola Tesla trying to learn new things, to make things better than now, a company working on DC that is direct current, Nicola invents alternate current that is AC for better management of electricity which can save cost and save efforts also, with minimum cost maximum capture

DC vs AC

the first well was invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison who is the inventor of electricity
Edison is a businessman and he develops a power station to produce electricity the current produced in a power station is a DC that is direct current and the major disability of this current it cannot be e expand its limit from half a mile from the power station
And the cause of which power station need to place in a location of the high crowd area

Nikola Tesla working on how to convert DC motor to AC motor that is alternate current through which the range of expansion of electricity can we increase with the actual amount or necessary amount of electricity

Nikola Tesla develop AC motor while working with Edison, this motor is capable of expanding the range of electricity from power stations and anyway it's a good option for DC wild Tesla show his a motor to Edison,

Medicine denied accepting this new technology developed by Nikola
The reason to reject this is medicine invest lots of money in making power stations which work on DC and if AC comes into the world, DC will be outdated and automatically it will affect the business of Edison

After this NiKola leave this job hard work on his project that is AC, cause of advanced technology get investors soon
Nikola Tesla starts his own company named Tesla electricity in 1887, till now there is no option for Edison's DC but while Tesla introduces AC,
Tesla's AC is one third in cost against DC and for all the rate is same where are medicines DC having different rates for businesses and individual use also,

Cause of its technology war between AC AND DC, it's the current war between Tesla and Edison, in 1890 due to opposing Tesla and not focus on business partners of Edison remove him from business

The money got from various patents invented by Tesla he distributes in the company, business Moto is not to make money I just want to who invent new things,
Cause of profit distribution he doesn't have lots of money in his last year's,

Nikola-tesla-man-of-inventions-new york hotel
Nikola Tesla in new york hotel

Tesla stays in New York hotel in his last days....,
Wrestler dies in New York City on 7th January 1943 at the age of 86,
A person who invents lots of things, not for money for learning and make future better,


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